Changelog ========= .. 'new' is for new, planned modifications .. 'fix' is for bugfixes .. 'feature' is for features added via pull requests .. 'refactor' is for code refactors .. 'docs' is for anything related to documentation .. raw:: html .. role:: new .. role:: fix .. role:: feature .. role:: refactor .. role:: docs Version numbers follow `Semantic Versioning `__ (i.e. ..). 1.0.1 ----- 2020-01-09 - :fix:`[fix]` Check for duplicate color format specifications. E.g. >>> colorise.fprint('{fg=red,fg=blue}Hello') This is now an error and raises a ``ValueError``. - :docs:`[docs]` Update the github branch for generating links to source code, that was pointing at an old deleted branch. Update links and code links in changelog. - :fix:`[fix]` Fix a bug where the :py:class:`colorise.attributes.Attr.Intense` attribute (alias for :py:class:`colorise.attributes.Attr.Bold`) would not be recognised by :py:func:`colorise.fprint`. - :refactor:`[refactor]` Updated the code for the :py:class:`colorise.formatter.ColorFormatter` class. 1.0.0 ----- 2019-12-17 .. warning:: Major update with breaking changes. - :new:`[new]` Support for 88/256 colortable indices, and RGB, `HSV/HLS `__ and hexadecimal color formats. - :new:`[new]` Support for virtual terminal processing on Windows. - :new:`[new]` Changed parser to use Python 3's `str.format `__ syntax, e.g. ```` becomes ``{fg=red}``. Removed ColorManager classes since no state needs to be stored. The :py:class:`colorise.formatter.ColorFormatter` class parses formats. - :new:`[new]` Better detection of terminal color capabilities. - :new:`[new]` If an unsupported color format is specified which the terminal does not support it (e.g. an RGB color in a 16 color terminal), colorise will automatically find color on your system that matches the desired color (via linear distance). - :new:`[new]` More thorough testing. - :refactor:`[refactor]` Reworked entire library. - :refactor:`[refactor]` Removed formatcolor and formatbyindex functions. - :docs:`[docs]` Online documentation and updated comments. - Changed license from MIT to BSD 3-clause. `0.1.4 `__ (pre-release) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-06-11 - :fix:`[Fix]` Fixed a bug on nix platforms that caused background colors to break. `0.1.3 `__ (pre-release) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-06-02 - :fix:`[Fix]` Fixed a bug where passing a string without any color formatting would print the empty string. `0.1.2 `__ (pre-release) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-05-31 - :fix:`[Fix]` Fixed a bug in ``nix/`` which caused ``set_color`` to malfunction. `0.1.1 `__ (pre-release) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-05-24 - :fix:`[Fix]` Fixed a bug where putting a ``:`` or escaped ``>`` or ``<`` just before or after some color formatted text would raise a ``ColorSyntaxError``. `0.1.0 `__ (pre-release) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-05-14 - Initial version.